EA versus AE
“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms...
"Every something is an echo of nothing" – John Cage
The Place of Music in 21st Century Education (University of Sidney) While continuing my professional training and research in the world...
Music. Technology & the old ways at NBCS in Sydney
The Place of Music in 21st Century Education - Northern Beaches Christian School, Sidney, Australia The Northern Beaches Christian...
Kamaroi Rudolf Steiner School and The Waldorf method of teaching
Waldorf education, also known as Steiner education, is based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of...
What if Dewey met the Pink Floyd?
As Dewey states in his discussion of Art as Experience, “When an art product once attains classic status, it somehow becomes isolated...
"Teaching is based entirely on the principle of improvisation" (Carl Orff)
Carl Orff states that teaching is based entirely on the principle of improvisation . I often encountered a similar theoretical approach,...
Technologies in education
A brief reflection on the integration of technologies in teaching & learning experiences. Although the 21st century is largely shaped by...
Of Dreams and AntiWar Songs
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, “I Have a Dream” speech Today is the fiftieth anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom,...
Tech or Classic teaching methods?
Music can be a conduit for personal development and social growth enhancing the collaboration within a community as well as providing...
"WHY" supporting the Arts at time of Covid19
Mark Rothko Around 1930, the Great Depression period, a federal program for artists and the safeguarding of the arts was established in...
In 2011 the duo Alex McLean of Slub and Nick Collins delivered the first “live coding” music festival, that became known by the new...
Pau Casals and JF Kennedy
13 November 1961 Dinner in honour of Governor Luis Muñoz Marín of Puerto Rico Please Credit Cecil Stoughton. White House Photographs....
How art functions within a society?
In the final chapter of Art as Experience, John Dewey develops the theory that art can help us appreciate and understand otherness....