From Top to bottom: Mr Doug Aldrich, myself, and Mr David Lowy, guitarists of The Dead Daisies. The photographer Mr Paolo Roversi, and myself.
Art & Music are the colors & sounds of my world!
The very first time I received public recognitions for my talent as a writer, I was only 11 years old. That year I won a National Prize for Poetry in Italy. During my career as Art Director, I often took care of copywriting aspects too. I am an editor internationally established and I work across multiple disciplines of contemporary culture. Being a strong researcher and innovative practitioner, my set skill allows me communicating with specialists in the areas of Music, Contemporary Arts at large, Fashion, Design, and Cinema.
I collaborate internationally with several Press Magazines, Museums, Art Galleries and Academic Institutions, Musicians and Record Labels, among which: Artribune; Shades of Noir (Academic Association based in London, UK); Marmo;; (Art director) of TuttoRock ; Critica Letteraria; Music Attitude; Metalitalia; The Front Row; Metal in Italy; Metal Hammer Italia; Ticino Informa; Frattura Scomposta Contemporary Art Magazine; Drumset Mag.
Links to my articles:
Please note, that except for a few interviews written in English, articles are mainly published in Italian language.